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Showing posts from June, 2018

Visual explanations of HTML, CSS and JavaScript concepts

When you are building your first website with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, you only need a very simple file directory. You have one folder with three total files, and perhaps an image file or two if you are using a background image or a logo. But, as your site grows, you will need to start using multiple folders to organize your different files. And, if you write your own back-end using a language like Node.js or Ruby on Rails, then you will need to be even more focused on organization. READ MORE HERE

How To Hack A Bank

Tom was trying to hack a bank. Based in Copenhagen, he targeted a Nordic financial institution. Assisted by a team of hackers, he began by casing the joint, working out who worked for the bank, what they did, and where the bank's mainframe was located. By going after the bank's employees, Tom's team managed to obtain passwords, logins, and almost everything required to gain access read more

Microsoft acquires Github

After a week of rumors,  Microsoft   today  confirmed  that it has acquired  GitHub,   the popular Git-based code sharing and collaboration service. The price of the acquisition was $7.5 billion in Microsoft stock. GitHub  raised $350 million  and we know that the company was valued at  about $2 billion  in 2015 read more here