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Showing posts from 2018

How to Get through Depression

Disclaimer:  Don’t use these tips as an alternative to getting professional treatment. These come as a guide for anyone whose only option (at the moment) is to get through depression alone. They’re not provided as treatment. About 3 years ago, a depressed 23-year old girl standing on the side of the road thought about taking her life. She couldn’t handle the pain in her heart, endless mental torture and living in a hopeless world.   She figured that if only she made a few steps into the oncoming traffic, all the emotional battles would be gone. That, for once in the last 8 months, she’d be able to look herself in the mirror and smile.   Or so she thought. The screeching tyres, loud car horns, and screams from bystanders abated her thoughts. Not only had she been having suicidal thoughts, but she’d given way to them and walked right into traffic.   Did she attempt suicide? Were the thoughts she’d been having lately that dire? And ha...

Quote Of The Week

If you think you are beaten, you are; If you think you dare not, you don't. If you'd like to win, but think you can't It's almost a cinch you won't. If you think you'll lose, you've lost. For out in the world we find Success begins with a fellow's will: It's all in his state of mind. If you think you're outclassed, you are: You've got to think high to rise, You've got to be sure of yourself before You'll ever win that prize. Life's battles don't always go To the stronger or faster man, But sooner or later the man who wins Is the one who thinks he can.

“The Sun Will Rise, And We Will Try Again”

what it means is that tomorrow is always a new day, and we all have a chance at a new beginning. Yesterday’s sadness doesn't have to carry into today; the sunsets on the bad and rises with hope for a better day. I tell myself this when I have a day that is personally hard or frustrating, and it reminds me to live for the future

simple steps to get hired as a Developer

How to get hired as a developer – 10 simple steps All of us we dream of a job with a good salary in a nice company. But we all want that without any hassle or effort. Well, that might happen in a dream world, not in reality. But in real life, people are usually nervous of applying for a new job because they are worried that they might be rejected or they might think that they are not good enough or maybe they are not showing their skills in the correct way. IT IS OKAY , you don’t need to worry anymore. Here are the magical ten steps that will change your game: 1- Make a good portfolio Make sure to create a portfolio that shows your skills in a good way. If you’re good at animations, highlight your animation work. For the developer, his or her portfolio is like a resume, one of the most important aspects of an application. Impress the one that will review your application and your chances for an invitation will rise. 2- Be active on Linkedin Networking can real...

Things You Should Do If You’re Unemployed Besides Sending Applications

“What has this country come to? I mean you work so hard in school, pay a lot of money to get an education in the hope of securing a job and getting back your return on investment. But things never seem to work out. What exactly are employers looking for that they are not telling us because I have been looking for a job for over two years and I seem to be stuck in the same place?”  laments Margaret in an email. Margaret is just but one of the many job seekers out there still hoping that a light will shine their way. I know that if you are reading this your situation is not any different from what she is going through. It is a cycle that keeps eating into our society where thousands of graduates are churned out every year all of them hoping to secure a slot in any of the companies in Kenya? But is the situation that dire that we cannot salvage it? Will all these talents – accountants, IT, procurement, communication, go to waste just because the job market does not favor...

How New Tech Will Grow Your Business

Here are the top 15 technology websites and blogs you should be following in 2018 : Best Tech Blogs – Top Tech Related Blogs

Visual explanations of HTML, CSS and JavaScript concepts

When you are building your first website with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, you only need a very simple file directory. You have one folder with three total files, and perhaps an image file or two if you are using a background image or a logo. But, as your site grows, you will need to start using multiple folders to organize your different files. And, if you write your own back-end using a language like Node.js or Ruby on Rails, then you will need to be even more focused on organization. READ MORE HERE

How To Hack A Bank

Tom was trying to hack a bank. Based in Copenhagen, he targeted a Nordic financial institution. Assisted by a team of hackers, he began by casing the joint, working out who worked for the bank, what they did, and where the bank's mainframe was located. By going after the bank's employees, Tom's team managed to obtain passwords, logins, and almost everything required to gain access read more

Microsoft acquires Github

After a week of rumors,  Microsoft   today  confirmed  that it has acquired  GitHub,   the popular Git-based code sharing and collaboration service. The price of the acquisition was $7.5 billion in Microsoft stock. GitHub  raised $350 million  and we know that the company was valued at  about $2 billion  in 2015 read more here 

How I Earn $300 Every Week On iwriter

You know what I firmly believe? That online jobs are the future. But, well, that’s just me. Now, one of the jobs with a low barrier to entry are article writing jobs. There are several article writing sites but today, let’s focus on iWriter. Godfrey , a good friend of mine, was kind enough to  write for me this guest post. He’s earning more than $300 every week on iWriter, and he’s eager to tell us more about it. Here goes the iWriter review! Read more by TECH MONEY MAMA


More and more companies are becoming tech companies to some degree. As a result, tech skills have become a hot commodity in today’s job market. This week we bring you a selection of jobs for people who work behind the scenes making sure things are running smoothly by solving back-end problems and creating new products.   Here are companies in search of the best tech talent. Master of User Experience Are you a UX design expert who’s ready for his/her next big career move? If so, you could be the next Master of User Experience at Fuzu – Africa’s coolest company. You read that right, we’ve got the most fun team culture and an opportunity for you to grow your career. If you believe you are an idea hamster on everything UX design and oozes awesomeness, come join our team! CHECK MORE

Confession of a Good Man

Most women are always embarrassed to ask their man for money or for something they need, always embarrassed. They would rather soak up their challenges secretly  or look for help elsewhere than going to him to ask for some help, even when she knows that he has the capacity to handle it, they don't just feel right about it, especially for women with an independently 'I should take care of myself' mentality. And the problem is not a lack of courage or pride, the challenge is that they feel responsible for themselves and more than anything else they hate that you might feel buggy. The closest thing they try to do is get help somewhere else, even when those alternative sources are the most unlikely to be responsive she will still prefer to take that chance than ask you for anything. She expects you to figure out that something is not right. She just expects you to read her body language and her moods. She expects you to read the words in her silence, but when you...

The Essential Skills to Becoming a Master Hacker

As the hacker is among the most skilled information technology disciplines, it requires a wide knowledge of IT technologies and techniques. To truly be a great hacker, one must master many skills. Don't be discouraged if you don't have all the skills I list here, but rather use this list as a starting ground for what you need to study and master in the near future. READ MORE HERE



Is T-Kash By Telkom Better Than M-Pesa Or Airtel Money ? Find Out

The platform is set to rival Airtel money and M-Pesa, but is it better than the two? here are its top ten features, compare with the other mobile money service platform and let's know your thoughts in the comment section. Here are ten attractive features of the platform. Subscribers will not use an Agent number or a Till number to carry out any transaction or buy goods and services. They will use a one-time eight-digit code to withdraw cash from an agent or ATM as well as to buy goods and services. The T-kash code will be valid for10 minutes, and its generated free-of-charge upon initiating the withdrawal transaction, which is presented to an agent in exchange for cash, or keyed into the ATM. Upon registration at an authorized agent, you can be able to access the T-Kash menu through a USSD code or the SIM toolkit. It has a favorite five feature which allows subscribers to save up to five contacts of individuals, billers and bank accounts that they frequently transac...

President Kenyatta, Raila Odinga resolve to work together and unite Kenyans

NAIROBI, 9 March 2018 (PSCU) – President Uhuru Kenyatta and Opposition leader Raila Odinga have resolved to work together to unite the country. Addressing the Press after they held talks at Harambee House, Nairobi, today, President Kenyatta and Mr Odinga said time has come for the country to stop allowing political differences to cause frictions and divisions. President Kenyatta pointed out that for the country to come together, leaders should discuss their differences freely and openly to end ethnic divisions. The Head of State emphasised that as leaders, they have a responsibility to discuss and find solutions that will bind, unite the country and free it from a life pegged on a five-year electioneering cycle. “Elections come and go but Kenya remains; so as we must plan for the future – a future that will not be dictated by the forthcoming elections. Our future must be dictated by the prosperity, stability of our nation and the well-being of our people,” President Ken...

How artificial intelligence will impact the workforce

Last year, research by Accenture and the Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) posited that artificial intelligence (AI) had the potential to double the growth rate of the South African economy and boost rates of profitability by an average of 38 percent by 2035. This is great news for South African businesses of course, but an AI-dominated landscape brings with it multiple ethical and social issues, including the problem of a labor force that feels redundant and whose skills may be no longer needed. AI will undoubtedly change the world of work, just as the Industrial Revolution did in the 1700s and 1800s. Certain jobs will become obsolete, as intelligent machines will be able to complete tasks quicker and more accurately than humans. New roles will also be created – jobs that we haven’t even thought about yet. AI will be the biggest disruptor the business world has seen in over two centuries. It is little wonder, then, that people are already starting to get jittery about ...

What I have learned on my journey as a Freelance writer

Being a writer is a cool thing. If you are like me, you love words and love it when you create something so beautiful that it comes alive. But, over time, there are several things that I have learned, and have realized can become your own undoing. IMITATION  As a writer, the worst thing that you can try to do is imitate, especially someone else’s style. It will never sound like you. It will feel like what I hate most – feeling like a robot. Don’t ask me how a robot feels. I don’t even know whether these machines that are slowly taking over our world have emotions. That’s a story for another day. What I mean is that I loathe, detest mechanical work. Writing has never been about how fast you can write, how many articles you can write in a day, how many words you can type in a minute. Well, don’t get me wrong here. Sometimes, it is, especially if you are a full-time writer and have to pay bills. What I am saying is that writing is not ideally a mechanical process. It is a li...