“What has this country come to? I mean you work so hard in school, pay a lot of money to get an education in the hope of securing a job and getting back your return on investment. But things never seem to work out. What exactly are employers looking for that they are not telling us because I have been looking for a job for over two years and I seem to be stuck in the same place?” laments Margaret in an email.
Margaret is just but one of the many job seekers out there still hoping that a light will shine their way. I know that if you are reading this your situation is not any different from what she is going through.
It is a cycle that keeps eating into our society where thousands of graduates are churned out every year all of them hoping to secure a slot in any of the companies in Kenya? But is the situation that dire that we cannot salvage it?
Will all these talents – accountants, IT, procurement, communication, go to waste just because the job market does not favor them?
As a job seeker, has it ever occurred to you that there are so many other things you could be doing to pass time that don’t involve sending hundreds of applications every day?
I have a few friends who we graduated with but have never managed to secure jobs in their areas of specialization and this is the advice I give them;
“What has this country come to? I mean you work so hard in school, pay a lot of money to get an education in the hope of securing a job and getting back your return on investment. But things never seem to work out. What exactly are employers looking for that they are not telling us because I have been looking for a job for over two years and I seem to be stuck in the same place?” laments Margaret in an email.
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