How to get hired as a developer – 10 simple steps
All of us we dream of a job with a good salary in a nice company. But we all want that without any hassle or effort. Well, that might happen in a dream world, not in reality. But in real life, people are usually nervous of applying for a new job because they are worried that they might be rejected or they might think that they are not good enough or maybe they are not showing their skills in the correct way.
IT IS OKAY, you don’t need to worry anymore.
Here are the magical ten steps that will change your game:
Here are the magical ten steps that will change your game:
1- Make a good portfolio
Make sure to create a portfolio that shows your skills in a good way. If you’re good at animations, highlight your animation work. For the developer, his or her portfolio is like a resume, one of the most important aspects of an application. Impress the one that will review your application and your chances for an invitation will rise.
2- Be active on Linkedin
Networking can really help you to get a job, one of the best to do this, is by using Linkedin.
Ask your connections if they know any job openings or make sure that recruiters are able to find you.
3- Educate yourself
One of the best things about being a developer is that there are millions of tutorials, blogs, and videos to learn from. Make sure that you keep learning and up to date, just at home in your own lazy chair with some snacks and within some time you can add another strength to your resume or portfolio.
4- Know your strengths:
Knowing yourself is very important when you are looking for a job. Your strengths are the keys to get an invite for an interview, so point them out and make sure that the person who will review your application knows what you are good at. Also acknowledging your weaknesses and improving them is a strong point that you should consider.
5- Look for suitable vacancies:
Don’t apply for millions of vacancies, just because the title contains a developer. Be specific and look for the ones that you like and are qualified for. This will make you happier and increase your chances of being invited for the ones that you actually like.
6- Write a cover letter:
Your resume or portfolio is most of the times not enough to get an invite. The company wants to know why you want to work for them and why they should hire you instead of someone else. So tell them, write a cover letter to explain why you are the best fit for the position and what is your passion to work with them.
Everyone who is looking for a job will get one or more rejections, but don’t let this drag you down. It doesn’t mean that you are not good enough, there could be millions of reasons why they didn’t hire you. Don’t assume the worst, get over it and try your best at the next one!
8- Be yourself in the interview:
Some people make the mistake of trying to be cooler or more qualified than they actually are. This is not the right approach, you should always be yourself, especially in a work interview. They should see the real you, not the character that you’re playing. Because if they hire you, you will have to keep the act going, which is very exhausting. Don’t do that, just be yourself.
9- Try an internship or a traineeship:
A job is amazing, but if you’re not experienced or feel that you need to learn more before getting a job. It is not a bad idea to do an internship or a traineeship. You will learn a lot in a short amount of time and the pressure is lower than an actual job. Most of the time they are even paid.
10- Apply at Competa IT:
Competa IT is always looking for talented developers! If you are applying for Competa you can even skip some of the steps listed above. Just send your portfolio and a cover letter to careers@competa.com and we will get back to you as soon as possible!
Good luck with your work search
This post was ORIGINALLY DONE By competa
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