It’s a guarantee your life will never be the same again when you obey God.
God is our CREATOR and our DIRECTOR meaning he knows the best way for our lives since he loves us, our role is to simply OBEY Him. Obedience is everything when we are relating to God.
Obedience is the KEY ingredient in the kingdom of God. God is always ready to manifest himself in our lives when we obey Him and his word(John 14:23 Jesus Replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.”
Like 5:5 Simon Peter an experienced fisherman with a fishing business had toiled the whole night without any catch of fish and he was frustrated and tired and he was washing his nets UNTIL Jesus told him to Launch out into the deep again. Peter had a CHOICE to say YES or NO but he choose to OBEY and he said: “Nevertheless AT THY WORD I WILL LET DOWN THE NET”.
The moment he chooses to obey instead of Questioning, Analyzing and trying to figure out is the moment he stepped into a DIMENSION he had never been before. This is what happened; They caught so much fish, their net broke, he called for help from other ships that both ships began to sink because of the quantity of fish all because he decided to OBEY. This experience changed his life completely he became a FOLLOWER of Jesus from that day.
The desire to OBEY God and his word, you will step into a DIMENSION you have never been before. There is no regret in obedience.
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