1. DNS Lookup
The domain naming system (DNS) is a cornerstone of every network infrastructure. DNS maps IP addresses to names and names to IP addresses (forward and reverse respectively). Thus, when you go to a web-page like www.windowsnetworking.com, without DNS, that name would not be resolved to an IP address and you would not see the web page. Thus, if DNS is not working "nothing is working" for the end users.
DNS server IP addresses are either manually configured or received via DHCP. If you do an IPCONFIG /ALL in windows, you will see your PC's DNS server IP addresses.
Figure 1: DNS Servers shown in IPCONFIG output
So, you should know what DNS is, how important it is, and how DNS servers must be configured and/or DNS servers must be working for "almost anything" to work.
When you perform a ping, you can easily see that the domain name is resolved to an IP (shown in Figure 2).
Figure 2: DNS name resolved to an IP address
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