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Eating tips that will enable you lose Pot Belly

Courtesy, Winnie Knight
Winnie Knight/Source Facebook

By Winnie E Knight

Many a times as humans, we struggle with how to maintain a fit body. Majorly it happens due to numerous factors, among them is improper diet. When you are not comfortable in your body shape or size, you may end up with low self esteem, which eventually affects your output. But worry not, a few tips have been shared by the Founder of Operation Lose That Pot Belly – Winnie Knight.

These six tips will help you to eat clean.

Be a fish,drink plenty of water,a minimum of 2 litres daily. You know you are hydrated when your urine is clear or nearly clear.

Sodas – Give up sodas, even diet varieties, as they con either loads of sugar or artificial sweeteners. Remember a glass of soda has about 16 teaspoons of sugar.

Avoid junk food and fast food. Instead, cook at home and discover how easy it is to transition from a diet filled with processes foods to a clean eating plan. Go here for endless clean eating recipes.

Eat more fresh fruits, veggies, nuts, lean protein, and low-fat dairy; and avoid overly processed foods that are packed with sodium and refined sugar.

Eat smaller portions, about the size of your fist. We recommend eating three small meals and two to three clean snacks each day. Also, using smaller plates can help to keep your portions in check.

Read labels and look at the ingredient list. If the product contains refined sugar, enriched white flour and is high in sodium, it’s a food best left on the shelf. If you can’t pronounce each of the ingredients or know what they are, you probably shouldn’t be buying it. Reading the ingredient label is a must if your goal is to know exactly what goes into your body.

Well, you can take the challenge together with your close friends for the month of August and send us a feedback on the progress at the end of the month.Eating healthy.


  1. my biggest challenge in weight lose is sugar and wheat products,trying so hard to stop.

  2. I have tried all this but my weight is still the same..I think i need to do more water.Thanks for sharing


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