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NYS sends 8,000 recruits home after looting spree

More than 8,000 National Youth Service (NYS) recruits have been sent home after their passing-out parade was delayed. The passing-out parade has been delayed by five months for lack of funds to meet the cost of the elaborate ceremony. Reliable sources within Gilgil NYS Training Institute told The Standard that the recruits, who have been at the camp for 11 months, were sent home on Thursday to await further communication. "There is no day recruits are allowed to go home in the middle of the course. Even us we went through the same training and it's the posting station that gives such a permission, not the college," said the source. The source said trainees were being served black tea in the morning after powder milk imported from China during former Devolution Cabinet Secretary Anne Waiguru's tenure was suspended.

President uhuru at a past PASS out parade for NYS

"The training institute is completely rotten and Kenyans should be told the truth. Those young boys and girls are suffering in the camps and surviving under harsh conditions," he revealed. The recruits have been undergoing paramilitary training for the past 11 months. The training normally takes six months.

They joined in May last year and the passing-out was supposed to be held in October, according to a senior officer who spoke in confidence. "The passing-out ceremony has been delayed. This group has overstayed and we should be training another group now but that is not possible.

 We anticipate that the graduation will delay for a little longer," said the senior officer. Multiple sources at the Gilgil institute said there was no money to buy uniforms, spades and berets for the passing-out ceremony. The sources said some recruits have since deserted the camp with about 8,700 still waiting to graduate. The President normally graces the occasion. "It has taken too long, forcing some parents to come for their children. 

Life here is unbearable," a recruit claimed. The officer said the delay could be a strategic move by the Executive to avoid bad publicity in presiding over the graduation in an institution that has been marred with massive graft, with Sh791 million stolen.

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