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"No One Goes Home A Virgin' Project X The Crazy Sexual Party to go Vows Organizers

The organizers of what has been dubbed as the biggest sex party in town insist that the event will go on as planned despite a public outcry that has seen the authorities outlawing the event.
The Project X party organizers are also pointing an accusing finger on the media for negative publicity and reporting the news of the event out of context.
“Its very saddening that the media has portrayed the event Project X in a manner that is wanting, branding the event as a sex party through the basis of one sentence ‘No one goes back home a virgin’ clearly shows how some media houses can be narrow minded,” the event organizers said in a statement that has been circulating on social media.
Earlier on Saturday, the possibility of the party going on had been put in doubt after the police said the event won’t happen.
“Our attention has been drawn to the hue and cry over an ongoing advertisement inviting interested youths to attend a party dubbed “Project X’ to be held on March 12 at a venue alleged to be within Kileleshwa, Nairobi County. We are taking action to establish what exactly the organisers are planning. We will not allow events where illegalities are committed to take place,” the National Police Service said via its Twitter handle.
The Project X party has caused a buzz after it emerged that an events company, which only goes by the name X- Rated Inc, is planning to throw down what they term as the most X-rated party in Nairobi.
Randy posters doing rounds on social media describes Project X as a house party that will take place in Kileleshwa on March 12th from 6pm to 6am.
One of The Posters 

Project X is a name that comes from a 2012 movie which was popular because the characters planned to gain popularity by throwing a party, a plan which quickly escalated out of their control.
“One night to lose your mind,” reads the party’s slogan on a poster that has gone viral on social media.
Another poster captioned: “Everything goes… the less you wear the better… Project X” shows a semi-nude woman.
Amongst those who have voiced the strongest resentment to the planned party is nominated MP for Special Interest Groups, Mr Isaac Mwaura.
“This sex party called Project X circulating on social media which is to happen on 12th needs to be stopped at all costs. We cannot allow people to cash in on our vulnerable youth,” Mwaura wrote on his Facebook page.
Ezekiel Mutua, the CEO of Kenya Film Classification and a board member of Media Council of Kenya, also questioned the intentions of the event organisers.
“This is unacceptable. We are monitoring it and several others and police have been alerted,” he said.
According to the posters, the charges for the party are Sh 500 (ordinary) and Sh 2,500 (VIP) for the advance tickets and Sh 1,000 (ordinary) and Sh 3,500 (VIP) at the gate.
However, perhaps as a precautionary measure arising from the storm it has caused, calls to the numbers given on the website have since gone answered while other were out of service.


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