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Reasons Why You Should Have Sex with Your Partner

The role sex plays in a marriage (and sometimes in a relationship) cannot be emphasized further. We all know that sex is the sweetest thing in the world unless you have not tasted it. We various reasons why you should have regular sex with your partner.

Sex is a way of connecting to your partner emotionally and physically, it builds a bond that promotes closeness and emotional intimacy. In fact, for me, sex is the glue that holds a marriage together. Some would disagree but it's my opinion that sharing sexual pleasure enables couples to bond more deeply as friends, and it is that friendship that will sustain a marriage as we grow old. 

A marriage without sexual intimacy and friendship will sputter and die. But what happens when your partner starts to get stingy with his/her affection? That person who was always eager to massage you, caress you, stroke your dick, lick your pussy now shows no signs of wanting to fuck you! He/she is withholding sex, you desire to make love to him/her but your advances are met with resistance - Could he/she be withholding sex to punish or manipulate you or could he/she be withholding sex to express her anger towards you? I know many reading this will remember that day or night their partner withheld sex from them either due to a wrong they committed earlier or as a way of manipulating them.

Women are known to make the bigger percentage of people who use sex as a form of punishment and tool for manipulation. Denying your partner sex as form of punishment is not and can never be right, it compounds the already volatile situation and often opens the window for cheating - and when the partner you denied sex in the name of punishing him/her goes ahead to cheat, are you going to blame him/her or yourself. In the beginning I started by highlighting the role of sex in a marriage and how it helps sustain love, any attempt to make sex as a weapon is disastrous to a marriage and when you think it will yield desired results it always works in the opposite. 

Withholding sex is about control, it is a passive or aggressive way of expressing anger. Withholding sex is the same as sexual rejection, and it's devastating to the person who vowed to love and cling onto you in good and bad times. One doesn't withhold sex as a weapon because he/she feels powerful, confident and secure. The truth is that he/she is withholding sex because he/she is powerless and insecure, and by withholding the partner paradoxically sees him/her as powerful and in control and this is killer enough for your love.

Every relationship goes through rough terrain at some point, and your partner will do that which will enrage you - never bring sex as a weapon to settle scores or as a form of punishment, instead adopt the right attitude and always try solving your problems in the sitting room/living room so that when you go to the bedroom it's 'Make Up Sex'.
Now, let me try wash these dishes and clean the house because if I don't do them no one will.
Never deny your partner sex.


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