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Reasons Why Men Sleep With The ‘Mboch’

Cases of the man of the house sleeping with the maid have become so rampant in our modern society. Marriages are being broken every day as a result of these affairs. In some cases, the ‘mboch even topples ‘Her Majesty’ and graduates into the wife. Women have become so scared that they opt for the ugliest babes when hiring maids. SO why can’t men resist maids?

The power of the risk

As men, our systems are geared to have high adrenaline surges. We do risky things even when there are grave consequences at stake. When a man inserts his shuma inside the’ mboch’, he is aware that his wife might catch him but trouble breeds fun sometimes. The extreme excitement that comes with exploring the forbidden can be erotic and edgy.

The wives get too comfortable

The problem also lies with the wives. These women get too comfortable in their matrimonial homes. They stop wearing the tight-up skirts and Prada that attracted their husbands in the first place. With time, men start looking for pastures new, the closest being the mboch. Some women even leave the house helps to attend to all of their husbands needs. The poor lady makes his bed, washes his boxers and even prepares all the delicacies. What do these women expect then? A man will warm up to a woman that’s closer to him then she who is far.

We believe we are entitled to s3x

As men, we can’t just help it. We always harbor that weird belief that we are entitled to the pleasures of a woman. That’s why we are ever expecting women to drop ‘them’ panties whenever we treat them to minimal luxuries. It’s stupid yes, but it’s just something that is in us. We even become worse when we acquire money and wealth. Powerful men look at women like food, “Ooh that looks yummy – I should have that.”

Men have domination and submissive fantasies

We fantasize about women who see us as their masters. Women that look to us for happiness. Women that pose no challenge. Today’s world is filled with empowered women who feel they feel they have the right to overrule a man’s opinion every time. These kind of women bore us to death . When we finally find women that tolerate the theory of male power and female submission, we get tempted to lure them into our lairs. Then there’s fantasy of the ‘mboch’ bending over, washing clothes with her thighs fully exposed. That fantasy is ingrained in our minds.


As men, we are brought up with the rule that we should never let opportunities pass by. Studies have shown that cheating is not just a result of a bad relationship but also the lucrative opportunities that present themselves. A good number of men cheat because of opportunity. They can’t afford to let a beauty go unattended then rue the missed chance later.

When an attractive maid sets heels on the house, men see that as an opportunity to enjoy the luxuries of life. They see that as a blessing from the heavens- manna. Hence they waste no time in devouring the goodies.



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