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Reasons Why December Is The Best Time To Job Hunt

A lot of temporary and part time opportunities.
Some industries hire a lot during this period. Consider supermarkets or those in retail, hospitality, and any business with products or services that appeal to consumers during the festive season. Another sector that will need a large workforce in December is transport. If you are unemployed or on leave, consider looking for a temporary or part time gig. Salaries can range from a low of K’sh 500 to a high of K’sh 5,000.

Time to network.
The month of December offers you a great opportunity to reconnect with loved ones, family members, colleagues, and lost friends. This is also the season to get out of your comfort zone and meet new people. Meet these new people with a purpose. Who knows; that man or woman you are travelling with could be a decision maker somewhere and informs you of a new vacancy or provides you with some new information.With a relaxed office schedule and some having taken leave, people are willing to go out and in the process connect and make new friends. In Kenya, over 50% of jobs are never advertised and hiring is through word of mouth. As you get to meet people, let them know you are in the job market and the kind of opportunities you are targeting. This is the time to mix play and work.

Time to Contact HR or Recruiters.
It’s true that in the month of December, recruiters and HR managers don’t have a lot on their plate. As such, they are more likely to be available for a meeting and hear you out. December is a perfect time to contact decision makers and find out what they look for in candidates. Even if they don’t have open vacancies, you’ll be on top of their mind whenever a vacancy arises in the New Year.

More Vacancies In December.
Ask any recruiter or HR manager and they will confirm that most people quit their jobs in December and January. Because of the New Year, some employees feel that it would be a good time to have a new employer and so they leave work in December. Ask around and you will realize some of your friends are serving notice.  Employers have no choice but to fill these positions. If you are not actively job searching you might miss these opportunities. Keep your ears on the ground and get to know of opportunities before everyone else.

New Positions in December.
Companies plan in advance. They don’t wait for January to advertise and hire staff for new departments or positions. No employer wants to start a new year in chaos. It is for this reason that company’s source for employees for the new positions in December. And come January, it’s all systems go.

Less Competition.
Let sleeping dogs lie.  As majority of jobseekers assume that there are no opportunities in December and stop looking and applying for open vacancies, there’s possibility of less competition when it comes to job applications. Don’t slacken. Continue visiting websites like Brighter Monday and apply to all positions that you are qualified for.  As the rest are busy chasing chapattis, you’ll ensure you secure a bright future by remaining active in the job market.

Via BrighterMonday


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