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My Relationship With A Colleague Is Ruining My Job

Judy’s Story

I started working in this office in the year 2011. It was difficult at first, but it eventually became my dream working place. I had an awesome boss and was working with an awesome group of people. I was content.

In my second year here, a colleague started showing interest in me and to be honest, it really scared me. I had heard numerous times about workplace relationships going bad and I did not want to be part of the statistics. It took all my will power to refuse to be lured into it.

He, however, was relentless. Every day, he would send cards to my desk and a single red rose. The gestures and kindness soon overwhelmed me and I gave in to his request. At first, it was mild and we would just meet up after work and go on dates.

For the past couple of months things have taken a serious turn and we find ourselves always having this need to see each other even during work hours. It was exciting at first, but I am afraid that it has started scaring me. This is because lately, I have fallen behind on deadlines and my concentration has gone down.

Last week, something horrible happened at the office. During lunch hour, he came to my office as he usually does and things got a bit steamy and we started kissing. Unfortunately for us, this is the moment the boss decided to walk into the office. We were so embarrassed.

I am afraid that this romance may cost me my job and yet, I cannot seem to be able to end it. I have been thinking that the best thing would be to either find a new place of work or end this relationship and just focus on my work.
The decision is a hard one because I value both my job and my relationship. Is there a way I can balance the two or do I need to pick one. Please advise me on what to do. I am at my wits end.

What advice would you give Judy? Leave your comments below.


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