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Donald Trump " Africans are lazy and only good at lovemaking and violence"

AMERICA'S Republican Party presidential candidate Donald Trump has lashed out at Africans describing them as lazy fools who are only good at lovemaking and violence amid a promise that he would deport millions of them.

Billionaire business magnate Mr Trump, who is seeking to become the Republican Party's flag bearer in next year's presidential elections, expressed his deep disgust for Africans over the weekend by referring to them as lazy fools only good at eating, lovemaking and thuggery. Speaking in Indianapolis, he reiterated his promise to deport Africans especially those of Kenyan origin including their son Barrack Obama if he becomes president.

Mr Trump said: “African-Americans are very lazy. The best they can do is gallivanting around ghettoes, lamenting how they are discriminated and these are the people America doesn’t need.

"They are the enemies of progress. Look at African countries like Kenya for instance, those people are stealing from their own government and go to invest the money in foreign countries."

He added that Americans cannot trust those who have ran away to hide in the US and he does not care if they abuse him. According to Mr Trump, even the internet they are using belongs to the US and America can decide to switch it off from this side.

"These are people who import everything including matchsticks and in my opinion, most of these African countries ought to be recolonized again for another 100 years because they know nothing about leadership and self governance. I promise to make America great again by restoring our dignity that we have since lost through Obama.

"The more reason why I still believe that he and his Kenyan brothers and sisters should be deported back to Kenya to make America safe. From the government to the opposition, they only qualify to be used as a case study whenever bad examples are required," Mr Trump added.

His rant did not augur well with the fellow Republican candidate Carson Camp and his campaign team has since distanced itself from Mr Trump words. Mr Camp is aiming to become the first African-American Republican Party presidential candidate.



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