No one decides where he/she wants to be born
May be you found yourself in a family that can easily afford corn
New cars,clothes cellphones is where you spend your money
Bread never goes without butter,jam and honey
Playing on life's great highway
Dodging worry and strive everyday
Ask yourself how much you spend a day
Is it worth it anyway
There are people on the streets
For them each day they see frets
You are lucky you have a jacket
To put on in snow or evening aftermarket
And protect yourself from the cold
If you have two give one or have you never been told
That for them to stay dry during the storm
They stay under the bridge that's their angleworm
Their only bed being city council seats in the city
But we walk past them without pity
We see them begging for a coin you were left with as change
But all we do is shout 'thieves' with enthusiasm and courage
We give them no thought
Though we ought
We think how we will get wealth
Not even praying for their health
When will we start giving not because we want and need to
For that only brings greater rewards to our souls to
Making us better people outside and most important the inside
You may not have material things to give but a little work of hope will do you decide
Remember blessings will come to those that love they give
May be not know but more will live
Even the kids in the children home needs your special care
That's how as God's children we'll be fare
In everyone i would like to see glory-beaming smile of grace
Let love inspire our hearts and brighten every face
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