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If You Have These 10 “Bad” Qualities You Are Better Than You Think

You want to have an answer for everything
Many may consider you to be nosy, pushy or a busy body. But in many cases being curious doesn’t always kill the cat, but makes it more astute and more sly. You have to know a lot and reach for knowledge. You can’t really become a better person when you are sticking to what you are. Focus on what you can be and ask the right questions.
You love taking risks
You like adventures and you won’t just be settled in the safe zone. People will ask you why you are always chasing after the thrill and going above the bar. Why don’t you simply settle in the safe zone and be like everyone else. But how will you discover new things when you are always playing it safe? Discovering yourself and the world around you requires some attempt at new things and taking risks.

You are not okay with good enough
Yes others feel you are successful already and they would want to be like you. But you know that good is not enough. You want to strive to become better and reach higher heights. You know that what stays or is content slowly simmers away.

You are not static
People like to predict what others can do. They want to be able to conclude that you are indecisive or difficult. But what if they are not able to predict what you can do or who you are? Many people are really awed or intimidated by mystery. But for you being unpredictable is cool and this serves your long term purpose.
You are proud
Pride is different from arrogance. You have some ego and try to keep your self-esteem in check. You don’t compromise easily. You will only bulge for the right reasons. But you understand what your worth is and you wouldn’t trade it for trash.

You grieve easily
You are emotional. You don’t want to be hurt and do not want to hurt others. Many consider you to be feeble and weak. But you are not. You can empathize with other people and can connect with their pain or tribulations. This makes you someone that attracts rather than repulses.

You are lazy
People think that it takes hard work to be successful, but rather this is not always true. There are many hard workers out there working their knuckles with nothing to show for it. Rather than think energy, think strategy.

You are rebellious
You are not okay with the status quo. You like to rebel and try something disruptive. Whether it is to gain attention or to win acceptance, you will always go out of the conventional into the unconventional.
You are shy
Many people will view shyness as a weakness. But with being shy comes the strength of being conservative and reflective. You are also observant and a better listener.



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