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NB:This post was made a little bit late,sorry guys

It's joy in the world that Chelsea lost. My friends are
tagging me, making a mockery of me Let's go further...
One of the major problems I've with most Chelsea fans is
that they're quick to demand for signings when we lose
where not necessary.
Yes, we lost to Arsenal but if that performance isn't a
champions or vintage performance then Chelsea fans have
a serious problem. For the first time in years, we've
outplayed Arsenal YET most Chelsea fans are not satisfied.
If Arsenal had not sat back and played a counter football,
what did you think would have happened? We would have
beaten them silly! But they parked the bus and gave us no
space to penetrate. Most Chelsea fans wants Pedro, Bale,
Pogba, Koke but are same fans that blames Jose when he
doesn't play academy players. They will be quick to
highlight how good Bertrand traore, Cheek, Baker,
Solanke are and why they should be in the team YET they
still want MAJOR signings that will block those players.
Shaking my head!
I wrote before the game that If Arsenal had to win us then
they've to stop FABREGAS.
Hazard is dynamic but when Fabregas is stopped Hazard
always goes missing. The best chance we got was created
by Fabregas to Hazard that he ballooned up.
They demand for who? Yes, we need 2 defenders which
Jose pointed out and we would sign but saying that our
attack is poor is delusion at its peak.
Remy is a wonderful back up and best back up striker in the
If you still want Aguero or Benzema to join us then it's NOT
possible. Neither of Aguero, Benzema or Costa will be willing
to sit on our bench. It will cause problems.
We've a very solid team. No need to panic and we are
playing as a team. I would be more worried if we didn't play
as a team.
One Chelsea fan wrote, 'Chelsea are one or two injuries
away from a meltdown'. I told him, which team in the world
isn't one or two injuries away from a melt down?
If Barca loses Messi and Suarez or Neymar it's melt down,
if Real madrid Loses Cr7 and Modric or Bale it's meltdown.
Same with other teams.
They said we signed a finished Falcao but I tell them to
watch him before judging. A world class player like him
doesn't die like that.
Again, Arsene Wenger and football fans showed the hidden
hypocrisy in them.
Arsene wenger pushed Jose mourinho last season, nothing
was said about it. Yesterday, he snubbed Jose twice YET
he's painted as a holy saint.
Jose went to the stair case, shook and hugged every or
most of all Arsenal player.
That's what Wenger or Alex ferguson will NEVER do yet
Jose is painted as a killer.
I remember that during the 2005/2006 season against Man
utd at Stamford Bridge. Chelsea needed a draw to win the
league. We were 3-0 up at 90mins and Jose went to the
Man utd bench, shook every single of their players and
staff, he wanted to shake Ferguson but fergie refused,
had to drag him up and hug him which a smile.
That's what we call a football man.
Nobody is pointing that out but they're quick to condemn
him when he retaliates an attack on him.
I didn't park the bus rather Arsenal did but the papers are
not calling them BORING, they're not attacked for
disgracing football but if it's Chelsea they will write all
of nonsense.
I earlier wrote that Chelsea are the team to beat and it
showed yesterday.
We lost and the world was jubilating. It reminded me of the
dominant Barca of 2009 that every club throws party when
they lose or even draw.
Chelsea fc are a leading example in football.
Like a said earlier about Arsenal, they will be our strongest
rival this season. They've learned to be versatile when
playing bit teams. Coquelin was fantastic yesterday, same
as Cazorla and Ox. Thumbs up to them and
The main business has started.
Let's do it again and meet in week 5/6 of the season where
we will avenge this unfortunate defeat.


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