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In primary school we were told to work hard so as to go to good high schools. Till today, I have been unable to unravel what my teachers meant when they said good high schools. We really worked hard, got admitted to the so called ‘good’ high schools only to find a new rendition of the old song. The lines then went by the phrase ‘work smart so as to get admission in the top universities’. Burning the midnight oil so as not to be left outside the government placement cut offs. Praying and fasting so as not to be a poor secondary school performer in future (read PSSP student) paying almost five times what excellent performers (read JAB students) pay for the same degree course.
Now we are in campus. Whether self- sponsored or government beneficiary like myself. We are going not to any other institution of higher learning. We are at the helm, we are the crème de la crème of this great nation. The masters and PhD’s all are acquired right where we are currently. We are no longer working hard or smart to get to some higher institution. We are already there. The question most of us can’t respond to is what next after campus?

Shakespeare in his book ‘Twelfth Knight’ describes three categories of people. We have those who are born great, those who have greatness thrusted on them and lastly those who achieve greatness. All use this approach to try and solve the quiz in relation to the categories of people described by Shakespeare in his book
Those born great are the kind of guys born with a silver spoon held to their mouth by manicured hands. They don’t need to worry about finances as their monthly allowances hit triple what some of our parents earn in six months. Often, they drive to class. Their families are in deep wealth and they know it. As I hustle for unpaid internship at the state broadcaster KBC, with them they are being groomed to take over management positions in some blue chip company. They are doing the degree course so as to make them good managers in their companies contrary to you doing it because you have nothing else to do. This group of students have a smooth sail after campus and they know it. If you fall in this category then you know exactly what next.

The second category is of those to whom greatness is thrusted upon them. They are taking the degree course because the family wants them to do so. The father is a known lawyer hence they must study law so as to maintain the family status. This is the group that is easily swayed. They have no stand of their own and heavily depend on others (read family) for their survival on earth. They can’t go far if at all the family support was to be withdrawn. At the end of the day they make it, courtesy of god fathers and the many networks the family has. Are you in this category? Not that bad for you
The third category is of the guys who achieve greatness. 

They may be the only members of the family to have gone past basic primary school education. Victims of huge fee balances back in high school. Lads who made it to campus only after the local chief forced the whole village to fundraiser towards their study. The type who use ‘mafuta ya ng’ombe’ to oil their charcoal dark skin. Probably from my village, Ulawe , the remotest part have ever interacted with or the neighboring village ‘Nyabodho’. This category of students construct superhighways to greatness. They struggle to secure unpaid internships in various government ministries. Rub shoulders with the who is who in the industry. Make connections ,make better friends and seal deals for job opportunities after they are done with lectures, projects and exams. This are the real hustlers and they end up achieving greatness.

From the discussion at least you have been able to grab some insight basing on the category you belong to. That best answers the question what next after campus


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