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Showing posts from August, 2015


There is a reflection of pain in her eyes, as she fights back tears. Trying to figure out why she has put up with it all of these years. Innocence gone. Just taken away. Struggling to deal with it & be free someday. Tries to tell someone but no one believes her cries. Just another young girl getting some attention through lies.   Suicide has crossed her mind but she will not go out that way. Thinking well maybe if he can't find me, he just won't rape me today.  Perfect smile.Broken soul.Living in this situation that she  just can't control. Things get worse & he beats her more. Loses all self respect for herself when he comes through that door.   Fed up & full of hope she tried to fight back. He pulled out a knife, all she saw was black. Out of her misery & out of her pain. Put her in such a place that she can't even explain. But she tried to tell someone although they didn't believe her cries.   Just maybe if someone would have listened......


I will sleep peacefully tonight,Although everything don't seem right. I will enjoy my rest and awaken tomorrow to continue my quest, the world has taught me much more but still got some attributes to explore, though the steep is hard as gravel .Lord i am trusting your angels. Perhaps come personally with me, on this sail help to calm the storms, and teach me how to walk on this rough waters. I've learn't the summon on the mount but my time still count, I understand you spared not your child above leaving the thrown to come. and show the fathers love be with me on my way I don't want to go astray  I MUST FIND MY DESTINY 


I was brought up where there were many killers where most of my friends were drug dealers where thugs ain't afraid to pull there triggers Struggling as hard as i can trash digging for a silly can Just for i to live a life a place if you had money believe to be stabbed with a knife Going without food many a times where rape,drug dealing are usual crimes Cops would come out overnight put some down and say we started the fight Girls of 13-15 years giving birth surely its a crazy planet earth But then i choose a different path Went to school and got good grades walked in a pair of trousers till it fades Became active in football as a winger, became a St John Ambulance member now a writer Life is a long  journey that needs a strong man. (Thats ghetto life)


Of human ignorance I am almost in despair For racism is around me everywhere But like they say sheer ignorance is bliss.Just like Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss. Some people carry their honor in a flag.And of their Nationality they brag They feel superior and they differentiate And against those who are different they discriminate. So many people still judged by their race For such there never ought to be a place A fair go' those untruthful words I do recall .There is no such a thing as a  'fair go for all'. Though we live in a so called democracy  Of racism we never will be free They judge you by where you  come from and the color of your skin For many equality and respect seems impossible to win.   It's been awhile since the days of Martin Luther King His name to it has a familiar ring If against racism he did not choose to strive Today the great man he would be alive. So many holding the reins of  power not spiritually aware. And racism is around me ...


My Name is Davis Obonyo Matengo, And This is a tribute to my Lovely mum who passed away on this very day 18th August 1996 Through a road accident at a place called KOROWE on your way to Kisumu.Kenya.Its the 19th Anniversary. I was Only 6years when she passed Away. I wish I could have said goodbye, and given one big hug before she had to go. I wish my mother’s life could have ended in a peaceful, complacent place, rather than amid st the hard times she was going through before she passed away. I wish she could hug me tight when my heart is broken in the comforting way that only a mother is capable of. I wish she could see my younger brother ( 4years at her death ) and how cool he is despite the incredible obstacles I have watched him face in this life. If tears could build a stairway,and memories were a lane, I would walk right up to heaven to bring you home again. No farewell words were spoken no time to say goodbye you were gone before I knew it, and only God knows why. M...


You were born in a first class hospital, I was delivered at home, we both survived. You went to a private primary school and I went to a public school, we both ended in the same high school. You woke up from the bed and I woke from the floor, we both had a peaceful night rest. Your outfits are all expensive, mine are all simple and cheap, we both still cover our nakedness. You ate fried rice and roasted chicken, I ate ugali and omena but we both still ate to our satisfaction. You ride on Lexus, Jeep, Range Rover, Prado, Hummer and I use public transport but we still got to our various destination. You may be reading this post from your Sony Xperia, Z1, Q10, Samsung Galaxy s6 edge, Iphone6+ and I typed it with my Samsung duos, mulika mwizi, we still see the message. Lifestyle is not a competition and there are different ways to get a lot of things done, Different lanes all leading to the same destination. Just because your neighbor is doing things faster does not mean y...


A BOY keeps a password on his cellphone while a MAN is confident enough to say "baby can u answer that for me"! A BOY runs the streets & chill with his friends while a MAN is enjoying time with his woman planning ahead for their future! A BOY complains about spending too much time with his woman, a MAN plans vacations & getaways because he is wise enough to notice tomorrow isn't promised! A BOY has pride after arguments, a MAN has heart & emotions, A BOY beats on his woman, a MAN massages & caresses his woman! A BOY screams gold-digger for the simple things a woman want, a MAN screams unity! A BOY tells his woman all the things she does wrong, a MAN acknowledges his woman's hard work! A BOY tells his woman she is pretty, & a MAN tells his woman she is beautiful! A BOY will read this & think this is about him & a MAN will read this & thoroughly acknowledge what he needs to fix in his relationship


Avoid These English Words if you frequently visit abroad. France - Preservative. Avoid asking about preservatives in France. It means ‘condom’ Norway If you’re visiting Norway, don’t use the word ‘pick’. Your Norwegian colleague is unlikely to be impressed - it means ‘dick’ Turkey Peach. Going to Turkey? Avoid asking for a peach It means ‘bastard’ Germany Gift. ‘Never look for a gift in Germany the word means ‘poison’. Korea Salsa. in Korea? It’s probably best not to ask for salsa: it means ‘diarrhoea. Sweden Speed -Try not to talk about speed when in the company of others in Sweden. It means ‘fart’. Kiss. If you ask your Swedish for a kiss, they might very well direct you to the toilets. In Swedish, the word means ‘pee’. Portugal Pay Day. If you’re in Portugal, refrain from singing with happiness that it’s ‘pay day’. In Portuguese it means “I farted”. Hungary Cookie. If you’re visiting Hungary, avoid asking for a cookie. It means ‘small penis’ ...


So gentle yet so strong many ways you show you care The tree i lean upon you give guidance when i ask you are the master of every task a dependable source of comfort my cushion when i fall teacher,nurse and counselor great cook to a crook like me and friend without you there will be no me without your love,attention,your guidance I would be wandering aimlessly today you showed me the way to serve to accomplish to persevere "MOTHER"is such a simple word but to me there's a meaning seldom heard with enduring patience and inner strength i gaze in wonder as i watch you being you my miracle my mother.


Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.


NB:Am posting this on behalf of Maggy Wangari (Mum) and Bilha Wanjeri (Denzel’s Auntie) Dear Fellow Kenyans I'm Bilha Wanjeri, from court 816.of Nyayo Estate Embakasi. I'm posting this here because I need your help. About a month ago, my new born nephew of four months old was diagnosed with a dangerous heart problem that needs urgent correction. His name is Denzel. He is the son of my younger sister of 21 years, Maggy Wangari. Baby Denzel has two holes in his heart, pulmonary arterial hypertension and an abnormally large ventricle. Immediately, we sought to get the corrective surgery done here locally but due to the hypertension, the best hospital would be in India where they have the machines to control pressure for an infant. The hospital we were referred to is MIOT hospital in Chennai, India. But the costs of further medical tests and the whole operation are very high. We need KES 850,000 for the surgery and KES 450,000 for travelling of Denzel, ...


War is evil War is the devil War is between politicians War is about religions War is destruction War is not construction War is depression War is an obsession War is fighting War is killing War is sorrow War is no tomorrow War is explosions War is confusions    War is blood War brings tears like a flood War makes you cry War makes you die War is death all around War makes you die on foreign ground War is fire War is not to admire! War is creed War is between different breed War is cruel War cost a lot of fuel War is amputations War is mutilations War last forever    I wonder if it ends in Heaven War is only release For those who are killed It means 'PEACE'


In the garden of Eden two souls unite yet again love unpeeled all over sudden the slim road full of pain and the serpents roaming all over the fruit of freedom salivate yet again as sinners watch in disbelieve the return of the prodigal the chemistry so mathematical with the smile encouraging to walk another mile a new dance in town the tune of a lady who should be my own the pillar of truth she is love that is grandfather blessings yet to come fight to be unchained the cursed are delivered after all am not forgotten i seek forgiveness for i will never die of the bitterness to the earthly father's son finally the light is fur logs away just need to touch His gar-met and the ministry of healing begins something great is coming is it love? so help me God sweet venom,i like it.


I Lift Up My Eyes To The Skies As I Meditate On Love The Clouds Are Dark And Converged Behold,the Wind Is Blowing The Rain Is Falling But Love Is Failing 0h! I Can Feel It My Mind Is Troubled But My Heart Is Humbled I Pick Up My Umbrella For They'll Never Be Sunshine Again The Sky Shades Tears My Eyes Bleed With Tears too...... As The Heart Stands On Its Feet Again The Sun Goes Into Hiding Darkness Silently Approaches Too Much Disappointments For Seeing Stars In Her Eyes Is It Wrong To Love Unconditionally? Oh!Come Thee Who Are Heavy Laden The Moon Picks Up Courage And Takes A Trip Over The Sky Still Dark I Cannot See The Light Yet I Feel The Light Morning Has Come


NB:This post was made a little bit late,sorry guys It's joy in the world that Chelsea lost. My friends are tagging me, making a mockery of me Let's go further... One of the major problems I've with most Chelsea fans is that they're quick to demand for signings when we lose where not necessary. Yes, we lost to Arsenal but if that performance isn't a champions or vintage performance then Chelsea fans have a serious problem. For the first time in years, we've outplayed Arsenal YET most Chelsea fans are not satisfied. If Arsenal had not sat back and played a counter football, what did you think would have happened? We would have beaten them silly! But they parked the bus and gave us no space to penetrate. Most Chelsea fans wants Pedro, Bale, Pogba, Koke but are same fans that blames Jose when he doesn't play academy players. They will be quick to highlight how good Bertrand traore, Cheek, Baker, Bamford, Solanke are and why they should be i...


MINISTRY OF FINANCE (gold&silver are mine declares the lord) MINISTRY OF EDUCATION >My people  perish because of lack of wisdom MINISTRY OF LAB OUR >The  harvest is abundant but workers are few MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT >Come to me who are tired from heavy loads and I will give you rest MINISTRY OF HEALTH >I took all your infirmities and by stripes your healed MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE>Am the true vine and my father is the gardener MINISTRY OF SPORTS>Many who are first shall be last and those who are last shall be first. MINISTRY OF INTERNAL SECURITY >No weapon formed against me shall prosper