In primary school we were told to work hard so as to go to good high schools. Till today, I have been unable to unravel what my teachers meant when they said good high schools. We really worked hard, got admitted to the so called ‘good’ high schools only to find a new rendition of the old song. The lines then went by the phrase ‘work smart so as to get admission in the top universities’. Burning the midnight oil so as not to be left outside the government placement cut offs. Praying and fasting so as not to be a poor secondary school performer in future (read PSSP student) paying almost five times what excellent performers (read JAB students) pay for the same degree course. Now we are in campus. Whether self- sponsored or government beneficiary like myself. We are going not to any other institution of higher learning. We are at the helm, we are the crème de la crème of this great nation. The masters and PhD’s all are acquired right where we are currently. We are no longer work...
Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, None but ourselves can free our minds. Have no fear for atomic energy, 'Cause none of them can stop the time.