Java, C, and C++ remain the most popular #programming languages in the world, according to the Tiobe Index for November 2017
According to their rankings, Java continues to remain the most popular programming language followed by C and C++. On the other hand, PYPL (PopularitY of Programming Language), which looks at the popularity of language tutorials on Google, shows Java as the most preferred programming language followed by Python and PHP. For those unaware, TIOBE calculates the rankings based on the number of search engine queries, which contain the name of the programming language as a keyword. Alternatively, PYPL uses the raw data from Google Trends to calculate the rankings, which is based on the more number of searches for a particular language tutorial, the more popular it is assumed to be. While Python continued to maintain its popularity, other scripting languages such as Perl, PHP, and Ruby have seen a decrease in their popularity. The reason behind this is the difficulty in writing a critical and large software system, which meets high-quality demands. “Even a scripting language su...