Source/ChristianityToday For the past two weeks God has been directing me on purity and i could not ignore his promptings to pray for unmarried young men and women, to stay pure despite pressures from the world to fornicate which is OK! as per the worldly standards. I know someone reading this post will be like, even in church today, singles are sleeping around what difference does it make? Let me roll up my sleeves and pen down this post out of love I have for the body of Christ and my reverence I have for God. Most people have all manner of reasons to have sex outside the context of marriage, reasons which are all fueled by the flesh. Am not hear to judge or condemn anyone, am just a vessel to pen down with love the desire God has for us, to pursue purity as singles, trusting Him to walk down the aisle while still honoring our partners and Him at the same time. So, what is sexual purity??? It is the active choice to refrain from sexual activity outside the bonds of marr...
Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, None but ourselves can free our minds. Have no fear for atomic energy, 'Cause none of them can stop the time.