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Showing posts from June, 2016

Nation FM , QTV, QFM to be shut down

Government of Kenya has made weddings easier

Steps Toward Building A Better And Happier Future

Feed Your Mind For your mind to be happy and healthy, it needs to be well fed. You spend your whole life learning, but it’s important to direct all that lifelong education the right way. The fact is that your choice of education already got you to a certain point, but that doesn’t mean that you have to develop only a certain skillset. Besides, you can’t know if you’re any good at something if you don’t try it, which is why my sincere suggestion is to experiment and spend your life trying out new things that look fun and exciting. As far as I’m concerned, and as many great minds have agreed, reading is a gateway to happiness. Skillfully written books allow you to take a place of another person and they help you develop an understanding for the world and those who differ from you. Take Care of Your Body A fortress that keeps your health safe, your body is a very important factor that will determine your happiness. The quality of your lifestyle does depend on the numbers on your ba...

Raila 's Sh1b house

An aerial view of Cord leader Raila Odinga's house estimated at Sh1 billion/Hivisasa Debate over the investment, after several years, has resurfaced again, and this time round on social media, with fresh photos of the house posted online. Many Kisumu residents went on social media to appreciate the building located at Kanyakwar, Riat Hills, overlooking the Kisumu International Airport. ( Hivisasa )

SMS services drop as Kenyans turn to WhatsApp

Photo/Google By Standard Reporter The reality of over the top services such as WhatsApp, Hangouts among others hit local mobile phone providers as Kenyans opted for the new services in sending messages. Between the months of January and March, the number of SMS sent dropped by 19.7 per cent to reach 6.5 billion during the quarter down from 8.1 billion messages sent during the previous quarter. “The significant drop of SMS traffic could be attributed to the popular use of Over-The-Top (OTT) services like WhatsApp, Hangouts, among others,” said a statement from the Communication Authority of Kenya. “On-net SMS decreased from 7.6 billion posted during the last quarter to 6.0 billion messages during the quarter under review. On average, each subscriber sent 57 messages per month.” WHATSAPP lets users send text messages, pictures, video and PDF files via its hugely-successful messenger. These can be forwarded within the app to other chat groups, or friends. Since its disco...

Miss Tourism Kenya 2016

Miss Tourism Kenya 2016 Rabella Wendy Omollo from Homabay County in Nyanza/Photo/MissTourismke Rabella won the coveted Miss Tourism Kenya title in a colorful ceremony held at Kidundu Stadium in Vihiga County on Sunday June 19. Rabella had this to say: “We live peacefully and this is one country that you can always come into and you will not feel you are different. We have a saying that goes: ‘Hakuna matata Kenya’. Everyone from any part of the world is welcomed to Kenya,” she said. Rabella encouraged people around the world to come to Kenya and visit the attractions the country has to offer especially the diverse wildlife. “Come live with us, come tour with us because Kenya is an ultimate tour destination. We have wildlife. And it is only in Kenya where you find the eighth wonder of the world – that is the wildebeest migration that is coming up next month, “I would advise everyone in the gathering to continue marketing Kenya because nobody is going to make the country g...

Massive Recruitment by the Government of Kenya - NBA

The National Biosafety Authority is a State Corporation established through the provisions of the Bio safety Act No.2, 2009 to exercise supervision and control over the development, transfer, handling and use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) with a view to ensuring safety to human and animal health as well as the provision of adequate level of protection to the environment. The Authority is seeking to recruit talented, creative, competent and dynamic team player with proven track records to the following vacant position: CLICK HERE TO CHECK THE VACANCIES ON THEIR  WEBSITE APPLICATION GUIDELINES Interested and qualified persons should submit their applications together with detailed CVs and copies of relevant certificates through email, postal address or hand delivery to the following address: Chief Executive Officer P.O. Box 28251-00100, Nairobi Email: Or office in Gigiri Commis...

Sample Quotes by Former CJ Dr Willy Mutunga #AdiosCJMutunga #KenyaJudiciaryTransformation

Chief Justice Willy Mutunga retired on Thursday, just hours after delivering his final ruling as President of the Supreme Court. Dr Mutunga announced that he will be taking up a new job as a Commonwealth Special Envoy to Maldives, where he is expected to aid in the process of constitutional and political transition. He was appointed to the post by the Secretary General of the Commonwealth, the Rt. Hon. Patricia Scotland. Former CJ handing over his official flag to CRJ Anne Amadi Below are some of the sample Quotes by The Former President of the Supreme Court of Kenya After retirement he was appointed commonwealth special envoy to Maldives photo Credit to PAWA 254

Ole Lenku Appointed Chairperson Of Sacco Regulatory Authority

Joseph Ole lenku Former Interior Cabinet Secretary Joseph Ole Lenku has been appointed chairperson of the Sacco Societies Regulatory Authority. The former Utalii Hotel manager was appointed by Industrial CS Adan Mohammed on Friday. Ole Lenku will be required to head the authority tasked with issuing licenses to Sacco Societies, enabling them receive deposits in the growing Sacco enterprise in Kenya. The 46-year-old former CS bowed out of office after pressure mounted following sporadic attacks by Somali based terrorist group Al-Shabaab, in the country. He was succeeded by (Rtd) Major General Joseph Nkaissery. Ole Lenku has also declared his interest in the Kajiado Gubernatorial Seat, in which he intends to vie for in the 2017 general election on a Jubilee ticket Source

How to Overcome the Challenges of Being a Young Entrepreneur

Being a young entrepreneur definitely has its advantages, but there are also downsides. Telling your friends and parents about your venture will be one of the many hurdles you face as a young entrepreneur. As a young founder, particularly at a non-technical startup, it’s extraordinarily tough to earn credibility. In a people-facing business where you’re often relying on first impressions to succeed, it’s even more difficult. Although age is just a number, it does pose a variety of challenges for budding entrepreneurs. Here are some of the greatest adversities and how to overcame them: 1. Being taken seriously.  Alot of people won’t just believe you can deliver . The trick is to never give anyone a reason to think you can’t do it. As a young entrepreneur, you have to work harder to prove yourself. You’ll never be perfect, and you will make mistakes along the way. Fail gracefully, learn from your mistakes and address them with maturity. Confidence, coupled with unwavering hum...

Co-operative Bank of Kenya Response to #CoopBankIPOScandal

Dear Kenyans, Our attention has been drawn to a hate anonymous document circulated on social media on the shareholding structure of the bank. We wish to put the following on record: The listing of Co-operative Bank was over 8 years back in year 2008. This was vide an Initial Public Offer (IPO) that was approved by all the necessary Government regulatory agencies that included the Ministry of Finance, the Central Bank of Kenya, the Nairobi Securities Exchange and the Capital Markets Authority. All the pertinent disclosures were made as per the detailed Information Memorandum to the general public dated 27th October 2008 that included the restructuring process undertaken to facilitate the listing. The Hon. Minister for Finance vide Gazette notice No.7089 dated 8th August 2008 effected the restructuring. The Hate document was initially circulated way back in June 2008 by a former Managing Director of the Bank Mr. Erastus Mureithi, who was retired early by the bank in year 2...


Source/Crosswalk By NAIROBI NEWS REPORTER There is one character trait that the Nairobi man hates in a woman – nagging. But findings of an interesting new study however suggest that the Nairobi man may be backing up the wrong tree. According to scientific research by sociologists from Michigan State University in the US, a nagging wife is good for a man’s health. This quashes that popular belief that marriage, because of the stresses that come with it, is detrimental to a man’s health. For the study, the researchers looked into the lives of 1218 married study subjects over a period of five years. All the study subjects were between the ages of 57 and 85 at the beginning of the study. The aim of the study was to look into the effect of marital quality on the risk and management of diabetes. Men in unhappy marriages were found to be less likely to develop diabetes than men in happy marriages. When the former group of men developed diabetes, they were found to be able ...

How To End Tribalism in kenya

The feeling of injustice and unfairness is the biggest problem in Kenya. If the LAW was respected in Kenya, and those who exploited, stole, took advantage of their power were brought to justice, the feelings of hate against each other would be reduced heavily, it would not be perfect but it would be a move towards PEACE IN KENYA (AND AFRICA AS A WHOLE

NYS paid 11 firms Sh1.3bn in suspect deals, probe shows

NYS theft suspect Josephine Kabura at the anti-graft offices in the past. By JOHN NGIRACHU  The National Youth Service scandal was worse — a lot worse — than initially thought, the auditor-general has found out. The conspiracy to defraud the Government, and the taxpayer, was much broader and targeted the theft of Sh3.5 billion released in a supplementary Budget. And the woman most closely identified with the scandal, Ms Josephine Kabura Irungu, was paid Sh1.29 billion and not Sh791 million as initially thought. In all, a total of Sh1.86 billion was lost, according to the findings of the Auditor-General, Mr Edward Ouko. Ms Kabura operated 11 companies which received the money in fraudulent circumstances. She was set to receive another Sh695.4 million from the NYS but the payment was stopped, the Auditor-General says in a report tabled in Parliament on Tuesday. In most of the cases, the companies were barely two months old, had no prior dealings with NYS, were not p...


Photo/I stock photos By NJOKI CHEGE I swear this is the last time I am writing about sponsors. Please, don’t turn the page. I will be as brief as I can be. Okay, last week, I called out the dirty old men, the sponsors who will not give pretty young things like me time to breath. I thought I was doing all of us a favour by being the moral police but alas! I was met with vitriol, and told to mind my own business. I was told that this sponsor business is the in-thing right now, and I should sit at my corner and return to insulting bloggers. NUGGETS OF ADVICE Anyway, I thought today, I should give these sponsors a little advice, seeing as I am the representative of all city girls in this town. I thought I should give the sponsors nuggets of advice given the increasing number of sponsors dying in the line of duty. Dear sponsors, listen to me, I am only going to say this just once. Your mistress or sponsoree is not your wife. She is not your property and you do not o...


He woke up in the morning and found her praying. He heard her praying for him.He stared at her. It has been a long time since he has seen her praying. For the past few months, they have been arguing. Last night, they had a nasty fight.He went to the kitchen in a hurry to prepare himself breakfast. These past days, she hasn't been cooking for him. Shock on him. He found breakfast already set at the table. He ate. He went back to the bedroom, to prepare for a shower. She left the shower. "Good morning. Have a blessed day" she said as she entered the bedroom and he left for the bathroom. After his shower, all dressed up for work; he found his wife at the kitchen, eating breakfast in peace. She was looking at some funny videos on her phone and giggling.He looked at her then walked out the door. The last look he had of her before he left was of her at peace.That last look disturbed him. This is not how she should be. This is not how she has been. He has ...

Love Triangle shooting:Widow's Touching Tribute to her Husband the late Christopher Adagi

Ednah Kariuki the woman involved in the love triangle Chris’s wife wrote an emotional message to her late husband


The Taita Taveta County Public Service Board invites applications from suitable and qualified  Kenyan Citizens to fill the following vacant positions: 1. Accountant II(4) 2. Revenue Collectors(77) Important information Candidates must attach a clear copy of their national identity card or valid passport. All candidates should satisfy the requirements of chapter six. In their applications ,they should attach clearance certificates from Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission(EACC),Kenya Police Service Clearance(Certificate of good Conduct), Kenya Revenue tax clearance (KRA),Higher Education Loans Board(HELB), Credit Reference Bureau(CRB) The applications with copies of academic and professional certificates and other testimonials should reach the County Public Service Board on or before 4.30 PM Friday 11th March 2016 Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted Youth, women and persons with special needs are encouraged to apply. Candidates found canvassing ...

Discovery of an "HIV-like" virus in Cats

Cat owners have been asked to be careful following the discovery of an "HIV-like" virus in one Below is the Lancet kenya full report

2016 Groove Awards Winners

                      Female Artist Of The Year-Mercy Masika.                       Male Artist Of The Year-L-Jay Maasai. L Jay Maasai and Mercy Masika with their awards Other winners include: Collabo Of The Year- Everlyne Wanjiru Feat Vicky Kitonga, Tulia. Nyanza Counties Song Of The Year-Abasani B’ Omusunte by Femmy Kerubo. Ragga/Reggae Song Of The Year- Wave by Jfam Feat Omari. Central Counties Song Of The Year- Githe Tiwe by Phyllis Mbuthia. Western Africa Artist Of The Year-Sinach, Nigeria. Audio Producer Of The Year-Saint P. Radio Presenter Of The Year-Eva Mwalili,Milele FM. Eastern & Central Africa Artist Of the Year- Christina Shusho. Western Counties Song Of The Year-Njigula by Timothy Kituyi. Coastal Counties Song Of The Year-Ushindi by Faith Mwikali. Dance Group Of The Year-Jims & Dims. Rift Valley Song Of The Year-As...

Estates In Nairobi Where You’re Most Likely To be Raped Or Murdered

By  Uncle Chim Tuna Kawangware Nairobi Kenya/Google Nairobi, shamba la mawe is Kenya’s capital, named by the Maasai’s for the cool, refreshing waters they found but sadly, that all changed and Nairobi is now a financial desert and few of it’s residents can find economic oases that allows them to prosper. Most are resigned to fates worse than death – poverty. #1. City Cotton between Wilson Airport and South C. Murder #2. Near Oilibya Petrol Station in Mathare Slum area. Murder. #3. Congo area near Kawangware. Rape #4. Kona Mbaya in Ruai. Rape #5. Sewage area along Maji Mazuri road, Ruai. Murder and rape. source  REVEALED: 5 Estates In Nairobi Where You’re Most Likely To be Raped Or Murdered